Monday 24 January 2011

Day 1 - No Pain, No Gain

Well, as the title may suggest today really hurt. I am talking about complete lactic acid overload. I thought at one point I was either going to pass our or have a heart attack! Any way, Day 1 over, Diet has been really good apart from not eating breakfast as I didn't have time today, I have drank at least 2 Litres of water today and had 2 coffee's, 2 Coffees is bloody good going. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Lunch consisted of a Turkey Sandwich, Banana and a Yought, Dinner is Pasta and Sauce.

Anyway the workout took 40mins today, It consisted of Interval Training and Isometrics. Here is what I did today,

First off started with Interval Training as fast as you can for the lengh of time. No stopping including no stopping between rounds

Round 1
Burpees - 60 Secs
Pull Ups - 60 Secs
Bodyweight Squats - 60 Secs
Push Ups - 60 Secs

Round 2
Burpees - 45 Secs
Pull Ups - 45 Secs
Body Weight Squats - 45 Secs
Push Ups - 45 Secs

Round 3
Burpees - 30 Secs
Pull Ups - 30 Secs
Body Weight Squats - 30 Secs
Push Ups - 30 Secs

Round 4

Burpees - 15 Secs
Pull Ups - 15 Secs
Body Weight Squats - 15 Secs
Push Ups - 15 Secs

Once I nearly died from this, I did some simple Isometrics Exercises, Wall Press,  Shoulder Press, Bent over row (using a jump rope)

I did get to do a finisher today, 56 Burpees. That nearly killed me!

Tomorrow its Strengh Training, Looking forward to that! Until then,

Love and Peace

Sunday 23 January 2011

Well, My Name is Carl Bodemeaid and I am a 27 year old male that live in the UK. The Purpose of this blog is to publish what I am doing and my results on my weight lose.

Over the past 27 Years my weight has been like a constant yo yo, It first started gaining when I started in secondary school I was around 11 I recall, my Parents had split up and I was moved around to more Homes then a chess piece on a chess board. I started eating and drinking the wrong things and as you can image that was the start of the worst period of abusing my body.

At the age of 16, I moved to a City called Peterborough on the east of England, from the age of 16 - 21 I was still eating the the complete wrong things but I was very active, I was playing football, running and pretty much never in the house, always out and about doing crazy things, Skatboarding of a shed roof comes to my mind about those days! Heres a picture of me at 21 I was around 13 stone in this picture.

Anyway, I hit 21 got a desk job stopped all the activitiy, was drinking more then I should of and due to the diet not changing started to gain weight, since 21 I have gained 6 stone, around 1 stone a year. This is me only 6 weeks ago,

I am aiming to lose around 4 and a half stone in a region of 8 months.
I will be sorting out my diet as well as working out at least 6 days a week, My workouts will consist of Cardio, Plyometric, Isometric and Body Weight Excerises. I may even throw some Pilates in there as well. When I do the workouts I will explain what I did and why as I go to give you all a good idea of what I am doing.
I am looking forward to starting this, Kick off is Monday 24th January 2011.

Wish me luck!

Love and Peace
